Nba, James Harden away from Brooklyn: ‘That’s why we sold it’

GM Sean Marks explains how the Nets came to the decision to ship the Beard to Philadelphia. And welcomes Simmons

The day after the trade that gave a clear change of direction to the franchise, putting an end to the “Big Three” experiment, Sean Marks tries to explain how the divorce with James Harden came about and what will now be the way forward for the Nets .

the assignment

“There have been many rumors – underlines the puppeteer of the New York team in his meeting with the media – but it is not true that they had been working on this operation for weeks. In the last two days, and in particular in the last hours before the deadline, we realized that we had reached the point of no return. James was clear and honest with us, so we decided for the good of all to set up the trade with Philadelphia. But I want to make one thing clear, we didn’t do it lightly: when we acquired Harden we put him at the center of the project, a project that we thought was a winner. Then things went differently and James opted for a new adventure ”.

goodbye big three

A difficult decision for Marks, convinced that Brooklyn with the “Big Three” still remains a practically indefensible team and not by chance in the 16 games in which KD, Irving and Harden played together not only the record is very good (13- 3 in general and 5-1 in the postseason) but the technical-tactical indications have always been satisfactory. But something broke and Harden lost his temper in a complicated season for Brooklyn due to injuries and the New York vaccination mandate that led to yet another saga, “Irving”. “I don’t want to speak for James, he will do it if he deems it appropriate – continues Marks – our conversations remain private. Certainly the fact of not being able to go down the field regularly with KD and Irving, especially due to injuries, he had a weight. But it is the same frustration that we all have ”.


Now the Nets welcome a player like Simmons who on paper should perfectly adapt to the characteristics of Durant and Irving and who wants to leave again to put the problems of Philadelphia behind him. “Ben is definitely an extraordinary basketball player who can make the difference with his versatility on both sides of the pitch – Sean Marks points out – plus we are convinced that Curry and Drummond will also have an important impact. When do we think we can make Simmons debut? It’s too early to tell, he still has to go to his doctors and get back to the best of conditions. We will be able to define his return only after seeing him on the parquet in training “. Now the Nets want to find Durant as soon as possible to resume their journey and gradually insert Simmons. The probable easing of the vaccination mandate in New York, which should soon allow Irving to also play home games, will come to the aid of Brooklyn who now wants to forget Harden and try to win the title with an updated version of the “Big Three”.


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