Nba Finals, Tatum: ‘Don’t panic, we solved with the attack’

Coach Udoka: “We played with more energy and discipline”. Smart: “In race-2 they dominated us physically, we didn’t want that to happen again”

The trend of these playoffs does not change for Boston, capable of responding with personality, especially with a win, to defeats. A different physicality for the Celtics who started off on the right foot and did not disunite even when Curry and his teammates changed gears in the third fraction, then firmly resuming the reins of the match in the last quarter. “We played with more energy and discipline than in game-2 – underlines the coach Ime Udoka – we managed to open the field for the conclusions from the perimeter and the offensive rebounds were very important. In the third quarter Golden State changed gears, finding a series of very difficult shots but my players were good at not giving up and responded with a great fourth period ”.

The defence

Really important impact on a defensive level for a Robert Williams III capable of dominating the painted area, making the penetrations of the Warriors complicated. “Robert was decisive – Udoka closes – not only on a defensive level but also with his energy in attack and with his offensive rebounds”. “I tried to help my team – says the player who is living with an annoying inflammation in his left knee – today I felt better from a physical point of view and I had no problems on the pitch.” After having fenced in race-2 Marcus Smart returns to make the difference with a test of applause on both sides of the field. “In the last game, Golden State dominated us physically – says Smart – we couldn’t accept that it would happen again tonight and we started with a different energy and physicality. It is not easy to play against a team like the Warriors, if you don’t make the right play in attack it becomes impossible to find good conclusions, tonight we were able to produce our basketball “.

The star

Closes Tatum, especially decisive in the most difficult moment for the Celtics when in the third quarter Golden State briefly passed to lead. “We were able to respond in the right way to a situation that had become complicated – comments the Boston All Star – we did not panic and we found brilliance on an offensive level. I have to congratulate the audience, it gave us a lot of energy. I hope the fans are just as noisy in race-4 we will need them ”.
