Nba Finals, Jimmy Goldstein: ‘I, LeBron, the Lakers, my life …’

For 70 years he has been touring all the arenas, always on the sidelines dressed as a cowboy. Jimmy is a star of the League just like the players, and tells the Gazzetta: “When I told Olajuwon how to beat Robinson …”

It is impossible not to notice it. He’s sitting on the sidelines in pretty much every NBA game that counts, Finals included, in his cowboy hat and his clothes as flashy as a Hollywood star. In NBA terms, among NBA fans, Jimmy Goldstein is a star. He is the only known fan to travel from city to city for the Finals, the culmination of a postseason in which, he says, he has seen over 30 games live, always on the sidelines. Even though he’s 82 and has been following the NBA “practically his entire life”, Goldestein never gives up on his passion.
