Nba Finals, Curry drags Golden State: at 34 he still dominates

In the last three seasons he has improved even more and reaped the rewards with the Warriors: king of the NBA series finale for the first time

From our correspondent Davide Chinellato

June 17
– Boston (United States)

“Why that question? Why that question ?!”. Steph Curry slams his fist on the table, the alcohol in her body not helping her hide her frustration. But on that table is that question, the Finals mvp trophy. He had not yet won it before this masterpiece against Boston, a series dominated from start to finish with the sole exception of Game-5. But many saw only that lack, in his incredible career: three times champion, two times mvp, but never king of the final series. Yet Steph didn’t need that trophy to legitimize himself: he’s already one of the 75 best players of all time, the greatest shooter in NBA history. That trophy is the icing on the cake, not the reason it’s legendary.
