Nba: Brooklyn Nets suspend Irving for anti-Semitic post

The stop (without pay) will be for a minimum of 5 games. The release of the franchise: “Shocked by the fact that he has not clarified his views.” Commissioner Silver is calling him for next week

The Brooklyn Nets have suspended Kyrie Irving unpaid for a minimum of 5 games. The release of the franchise arrived in the New York evening and used very heavy words towards the player: “In the last few days we have repeatedly tried to work with Kyrie Irving to make him understand the damage and danger created by his words and actions that have began with advertising an anti-Semitic film – reads the note – We thought that the path of education was the right one and the joint statement of recent days seemed to be aimed in that direction. We were stunned today when, during a press conference, where he has had the opportunity to disprove his anti-Semitic views, Kyrie has instead systematically refused to do so. This is deeply disturbing and against the values ​​of our franchise. Therefore we have decided to suspend Irving without pay until he completes a series of steps to remedy the evil done. The stop will not be less than 5 games “.

the words

The umpteenth controversy involving the play was unleashed in recent days, when Kyrie had posted the poster of an anti-Semitic film on Twitter. Today, during the press conference, the player was careful not to back down: “I accept the responsibility for having published that post – he said – Some things in that film are questionable, not truthful. But as I said the first time, I don’t believe in everything people post on social media. It’s a documentary, so I take my responsibilities. “

Usual confused and meaningless words. In the afternoon, NBA commissioner Adam Silver, in turn, had made public the position of the league with another statement: “I am disappointed that Irving has not apologized or denounced the vile and offensive content of that film that he decided to advertise. I will meet with him personally next week “. Behind the scenes, the Nets tried to sell the player, receiving a sharp “no, thanks” from all the teams contacted. Nobody wants to take such a hot potato at home, despite the talent that remains immense. The game is certainly not worth the candle.
