NAVO-lidstaat Estonia wants to stop the bunkers in the Russian border from the invasion in the “first place” | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

Estonia – with Russia a distance of 333 kilometers – ready to travel to Moscow. Volgens Estse functionarissen will de regering zo’n 600 bunkers bouwen the a possible invasion and bezetting door Russia should come forward.

The Baltic countries – waaronder Estonia – have recently been devastated by the Russian invasion of Oekraïne. The NAVO-lidstaten has a large number of defenses. Begin the year in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania with an agreement on the borders of Russia and Wit-Russia and the rust with “defense-installaties” and any possible military deployment there.

“These installations serve in the first places of military conflicts in this region and are avoided,” said Susan Lilleväli, the ondersecretaris voor militaire paraatheid bij the Estse ministry van Defense, Thursday tegen verslaggevers. “The installaties must de vijand de mogelijkheid ontnemen om snel op te rukken op het grondgebied van de Baltische landen en in geval van militaire invallen de opmars van de vijand al aan onze borderstoppen”, see here.

The American newspaper ‘Newsweek’ reports that there are 600 bunkers in Estonia that are being used to create “defense installations”. Volgens Lilleväli is the algemene bedoeling om ‘vanaf de eerste meter en vanaf het eerste uur klaar te zijn om de vijand te bestrijden”. “We have different shadows across the country from Russia in a relaxed manner that we can open, and we can use them intelligently,” Aldus Lilleväli. “We have come to the conclusion that we now have everything we need to meet.”

Volgens ‘Newsweek’ has been built with a large number of cube-shaped concrete “kelders” in the ground with a good overview of the situation in the state. The bunkers have a size of 35 square meters, with space for 10 manschappen and designed for soldiers in the “wonen” and in the “protection of the artillery shells from the vijand”, Aldus reserve commander-Colonel Kaido Tiitus, an advisor of the van Lilleväli.

“The most important thing is that we need to have manners before the Russian pants are stopped, we want to have a late look in the room and we miss out on the onszelf te beschermen,” said Tiitus nog.
