NAVO-lidmaatschap Two of us are a poet: commissioner in the Turks parliament is responsible for speaking | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

Two years ago in Finland the NAVO-lidmaatschap was sent to the suffering of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. The Finse toetreding will be delivered in April to all NAVO lands. Before speaking, unanimity is necessary.

NAVO-secretaris-general Jens Stoltenberg responds to the vote in the Turks parliament. Turkije and Hongarije were the last NAVO-lidstats which were not yet able to be heard before the delivery of Zweden. “Ik reken on both landen om de ratificatieprocedures (waarmee de toetreding wordt vastgelegd in de wet van het land, red.) zo snel mogelijk af te ronden”, Aldus Stoltenberg in a personal report.

KIJK. Erdogan was afgelopen zomer nog dwars voor de NAVO-toetreding van Zweden
