NAVO-baas Stoltenberg op verrassingsbezoek in Kiev | Buitenland

Op foto’s is Stoltenberg te zien op het Sint-Michielsplein in Kiev, for a herdenkingsmonument tere van gesneuvelde Oekraïense militairen. Other programs are not known. In the circles of the NAVO it has been kept secret that the plans for the future of public speaking have been kept secret.

Stoltenberg counts as a strong follower of Oekraïne. The Noor also says that there are no duidelijke boodschappen to the address of Russia in the sturen. “We don’t like to say that Rusland de Europese veiligheid ondergraaft”, zei hij onlangs nog. We want the “cycle of Russian agressie door breaks” and therefore worry about “that the divorce doesn’t come here”.

Stoltenberg continues to press against new wax levels for het Oekraïense leger. Hij heeft de Oekraïense president Volodimir Zelensk ok also announced for the NAVO top of 11 and 12 July in the Litouwse Hoofdstad Vilnius. Het is nog onduidelijk of Zelenski effectief present zal geven.
