Naughty wife Samantha Steenwijk gives opinion about Yvonne

Daisy Steenwijk, the naughty wife of Samantha Steenwijk, gives her opinion about Yvonne Coldeweijer. “I don’t have an opinion about it dude, what should I think? It’s fine, you know.”

© SBS 6, Instagram

Life has not gotten any easier for celebrities in the past two years. They can’t even cheat in 2022 without it ending up on a juice channel. Daisy, the wife of Samantha Steenwijk, recently ended up on Yvonne Coldeweijer’s channel. They couldn’t help but confirm her deception.

What does Daisy think?

Daisy must hate Yvonne. Or not? The renowned entertainment magazine Party asks her. “I have no opinion about it dude, what should I think? It’s fine, you know. It is what it is and we’ve said everything we wanted to say about it. That’s what we’re sticking to.”

That brutal cheating of hers was also so long ago, says Daisy. She thinks Yvonne is behind the times. “It was old news, so for us it’s just the way it is.”


Did Yvonne get Daisy and Samantha back home about her cheating? “No, not on this subject, everything has already been said about this. It was nothing new.”

When asked if Samantha can still do her job normally with all those juicers that are everywhere, Daisy answers: “Well, her agenda is packed. We’ve made really nice television programs so I don’t think we’re lacking in that. Tired of work.”

Ah, Samantha is participating in some panel quizzes again. Fantastic.
