Natural North Holland: meadow birds know where to find the province

There are fresh black-tailed godwits in the country again! We opened the meadow bird season between the black-tailed godwits, the lapwings and other birds. We were able to enjoy ourselves at the Landje van Geijsel in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, the meadow bird hotspot in North Holland. Together with farmers, foresters and bird watchers of all kinds under a pale sun. Look at what could become a new tradition: the opening of the meadow bird season!

Natural North Holland: meadow bird season – NH Nieuws

The bird breeding season officially started on March 15. Some birds breed much earlier, such as tawny owls and cormorants. The first meadow birds start making nests around that time, especially lapwings. The black-tailed godwits are there a little later, but now the first black-tailed godwit nest in the Netherlands was found in Oostzaan

There is a good chance that mom and dad first stopped at the Landje van Geijsel when they returned from Africa. There they come to rest after their long journey. In the meadows of the Ronde Hoep and in Amstelland they eat up their fat reserves again with the countless worms they find there.

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Because cattle farmer Jan Geijsel once started flooding his pasture, around January, this is the place where the black-tailed godwits like to come. The birds are safe there because foxes and other predators cannot sneak up on them because of the layer of water. But other birds can also be seen there: redshanks, curlews, shovelers, you name it. Our broadcast is full of meadow birds in all shapes and sizes. Enthusiasts and experts explain the current situation with those meadow birds and why they love to come to North Holland.
