Natural left-handed: Claudia Gerini mother courage and her son the small and intense film Natural left-handed by Salvatore Allocca (in cinemas from today), Claudia Gerini gives us one of his best interpretations. The actress plays of a widowed mother struggling with the difficulties of daily life and especially with the growth of a 12 year old son named Paololike the footballer Paolo Rossi, adored by her husband.

Isabella and Paolo will grow up together and together they will understand what is the way to go to get out of the impasse that is wearing them down: she will have to try to deal with pasthe will have to open the heart to the future and to those who love him.

Natural left-handed: the plot

Isabella is a mother who tries in every way to give a better future to her son Paolo (Alessio Perinelli). Her dream, and that of her husband (who died of a heart attack three years earlier), is to launch him in the world of football: has an amazing leftalmost like that of the footballer Paolo Rossi.

The attempt is to make him audition to become one of the best players of his age, but “talent is not enough,” says the agent Marcello (Massimo Ranieri) to Isabella: they need 6 thousand euros. The woman has a modest job and you can’t afford that figure. However, he will try to find a solution.

Isabella is blinded by an almost impossible goal and does not look reality in the face: Paolo does not socialize with his classmates, does not apply and above all what is his real desire? The mother doesn’t ask herself. One of the most touching scenes in the film is when the son tells Isabella: “I always see you angry and sad, you are happy only when I play football. At that moment the protagonist realizes the mistake she is making. It will also be the meeting with the new neighbor Fabrizio (Francesco Colella) to restore some balance in the life of the two.

A mother’s obsession with her child

Natural left-handed deals with different themes such as family relationships, guilt, redemptionthe passion for sport and economic difficulties through the relationship between a mother obsessed with a worm and an introverted son which has yet to find a place in the world.

Problem solving for Isabella it is not finding the 6 thousand euros to enter a football tournament, which actually hides the dark side of that world, but it is to deal with the past, with pain and one’s mistakes in order to be free to look the future in the face. Isabella will be able to open her eyes thanks also to the strength of Paolo, who has nothing to do with her left-handed.

Claudia Gerini and Alessio Perinelli.

Claudia Gerini’s other challenge: directed by Tapirulàn

Claudia Gerini is ready for the big leap. After Natural left-handed in fact it will arrive in theaters (May 2-3-4) Tapirulàn his first work, previewed at Bari International Film & Tv Festival. Also in her film the actress focuses on ache a woman.

Emma (Gerini) works from home as an online psychology consultant. She never leaves his apartment, he observes the world from there and from treadmill that never abandonsnot even when talking to customers. Running is like an anxiolytic: allows you to keep anxiety and panic attacks at bay. Between one call and another we find out Emma’s life and when, after 26 years, riceve the call from half-sister Chiara we will discover a secret from the past.

