NATO warns that the Kremlin’s objective is not only Ukraine

The Atlantic Alliance takes very seriously growing security threat caused in Europe by the Russian invasion of Ukraine because he is aware that the Kremlin’s goal It’s not just overthrowing the democratically elected government that leads Volodymyr Zelensky but alter the european security architecture, preventing the incorporation of new members into NATO and reducing the troops installed in the countries of Eastern Europe to the situation of 1997 to restore their sphere of influence. Hence, the decision to start deploying the multinational response force on the eastern flank and the commitment to continue supporting “political and practical” to Ukraine.

“This is the most serious security crisis that we have faced in Europe for four decades. And that’s why we’re deploying the response force. To avoid any miscalculation, any misunderstanding, and to protect and defend all allies & rdquor ;, explained the Secretary General, Jens Stoltenbergafter the emergency summit of NATO Heads of State and Government held this Friday by videoconference, in response to consultations requested by eight countries and the activation of the defense plans after the invasion of Russia. In the meeting, although they are not members of NATO, the leaders of the EU as well as the leaders of Finland and Sweden, also threatened by Russia in case of accession to NATO.

As advanced on Thursday, the deployment of this force, of a defensive nature and that will take place “in a matter of days & rdquor ;, will include air capabilities -100 aircraft on alert- and maritime capabilities -with 120 ships- and will be led by France although it will also troops from Germany, Poland or the United States although countries like Belgium have also shown their willingness to put troops at the disposal of this force. “We will do whatever it takes to protect and defend every ally and every inch of NATO territory & rdquor ;, he has insisted.

Military support to Ukraine

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Although the sending of troops to Ukraine is ruled out, the 30 allied leaders have promised to continue providing “political and practical” support; to Kyiv. Some allied countries, for example, have confirmed during the meeting that they will continue to provide military equipment. “What we have seen is that the Ukrainian forces are fighting seriously and are capable of inflicting damage on the invading Russian forces. But again, this is a very fluid and evolving situation. It is an unpredictable situation so I am not going to speculate & rdquor ;, explained Stoltenberg questioned about a eventual fall of Kiev in Russian hands. “What we need is for Russia to stop its attack and withdraw all forces from it. That is the best path to peace & rdquor ;, he added.

In the political declaration, the 30 NATO countries again call on President Vladimir Putin to cease the military assault, withdraw all forces from Ukraine and abandon the path of aggression that he has chosen. In addition, they denounce that the “brutal” attack, against a “peaceful and democratic” people, had been planned for a long time and warn that both Russiaas an aggressor, as Belarus, as a facilitator, will be held accountable. “No one should be fooled by the Russian government’s pack of lies. Russia bears full responsibility for this conflict. She has rejected the path of diplomacy and dialogue that NATO and allies have repeatedly offered her and has violated international law & rdquor ;, they warn describing “terrible strategic mistake & rdquor; the Russian president’s decision to attack Ukraine. “It will pay a heavy price, both economically and politically, for years to come.”
