NATO chief warns of chemical weapons after Russia’s false claims

NATO chief warns of chemical weapons after Russia’s false claims

Russia could use chemical weapons in the fight with Ukraine, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said in an interview with the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag on Sunday. If Russia were to decide to do so, according to Stoltenberg, it would be committing “a war crime”.

The NATO chief speaks in the interview about “absurd claims” by the Russian government that could pave the way for the use of chemical weapons. Stoltenberg is referring to Russian accusations against the United States about alleged financing of laboratories in Ukraine where biological weapons are secretly developed.

The US denies the allegations and the United Nations also stated in an emergency meeting that it had no knowledge of biological weapons programs in Ukraine. Earlier this week, the White House also warned that this could be a tactic by Russia to carry out a chemical attack “under a false flag”.

In the interview with the German newspaper, Stoltenberg also addressed Russian President Vladimir Putin directly, calling on “to end this war, withdraw all troops and engage in diplomacy.”

The NATO chief also says he is “shocked” by the increasing number of civilian casualties. He praised the “courage and determination” of the Ukrainian people but also said “the next few days are likely to bring even more hardships”.

Stoltenberg maintains his position on the so-called no-fly zone, which Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky has repeatedly asked for. The request will not be granted by NATO, Stoltenberg emphasizes again. “We must end this war and not let it escalate,” said the chief of the defensive alliance. “We are not looking for a conflict with Russia.”
