NATO boss Stoltenberg: “Serious consequences if Russia uses nuclear weapons” | War Ukraine and Russia

If Russia were to use nuclear weapons in the current war in Ukraine, Moscow would face “serious consequences”. That has been made clear to Russia several times, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in a press conference. The NATO boss was a bit veiled about the Ukrainian application for accelerated membership of the alliance.

President Vladimir Putin has said several times that Russia would respond to any attacks by “all possible means”. This increased fears of the possible use of nuclear weapons.

“Putin’s nuclear rhetoric is dangerous,” Stoltenberg said. “Russia must understand that a nuclear war can never be won and should never be fought.” The NATO chief warned of the “serious consequences” if Moscow were to use such weapons.

“President Putin’s intention is to deter us so that we would no longer provide support to Ukraine,” Stoltenberg also explained. “If NATO accepted the annexations and the nuclear saber-rattling, we would also accept nuclear blackmail.”

“This land grab is illegal”

“In his press conference, Stoltenberg strongly condemned that annexation. Among other things, he talked about the largest attempted annexation of European territory since the Second World War. “This land grab is illegal and illegitimate,” it said. “We call on all countries to reject Russia’s blatant attempts at territorial conquest. These lands belong to Ukraine.”

“This is the second time Russia has taken Ukrainian territory by force (the first was in 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea; ed.), but this does not change the nature of the conflict. This remains Russia’s brutal war of aggression against Ukraine.”

The NATO chief spoke of a key moment in the conflict as Putin declared a partial mobilization, expressed nuclear threats and illegally annexed more Ukrainian territory. “This represents the most serious escalation since the start of the war,” he said. “None of this shows strength. It’s a sign of weakness. It is an admission that the war is not going according to plan and that Putin has failed in his strategic objectives.”

Accelerated Membership

Stoltenberg was also asked during the press conference about the accelerated membership that Ukraine wants to apply for. Every democracy in Europe has the right to apply for NATO membership. “We support Ukraine’s right to choose its own path. However, a decision on membership must be made by all thirty allies.”

According to the NATO boss, the focus of the allies is now on providing support to Ukraine. Aid that NATO countries will continue to provide for as long as necessary, he said. After all, Ukraine has the right to retake Ukrainian territory, which is now occupied by Russian troops. “The illegal annexation or attempted annexation does not change that,” he added.

“When Russia stops fighting, there will be peace. If Ukraine stops fighting, it will cease to exist as an independent sovereign country in Europe. Putin started the war, it is now up to him to end it,” Stoltenberg concluded.

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