National Heat Plan starts tomorrow, with smog warning

The National Heat Plan will come into effect tomorrow, reports the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). The heat in much of Europe can also create smog. People who are sensitive to smog can get complaints as a result. That is why, in addition to the heat plan, there is also a smog warning.

RIVM says that the heat can cause vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, to experience health problems. This may involve discomfort such as fatigue, headaches and concentration problems. But also for more serious problems such as dehydration and heat stroke. “The elderly are the most vulnerable group, because they are less able to control their body temperature and are less likely to feel thirsty,” according to RIVM.

Others can also have problems, for example people with a chronic condition, people in social isolation, the homeless, overweight people and (very) young children. “Both extreme heat and high concentrations of ozone in the summer (summer smog) affect everyone, but summer smog also has vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, children, people with respiratory diseases and people who exercise in the open air.”

It is advised to drink enough water, to keep the house cool and to limit physical exertion.

The National Heat Plan means that organizations, professionals and volunteers are informed in good time that persistent warm weather is forecast, whereby measures must be taken to protect the vulnerable groups. The decision to institute the heat plan was taken in consultation with the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI).

On Monday, temperatures are expected around 30 degrees, in the south even 30 to 35 degrees. On Tuesday, the mercury is expected to rise to between 33 and 37 degrees in the center and south of the country. Due to the situation, code yellow will be in effect on Monday and Tuesday.
