National exhibition reflecting on Corona | News item

News item | 07-09-2023 | 09:30

On Friday, September 29, the kick-off of the exhibition National reflection on corona will take place in the provincial house of North Brabant. The exhibition will travel to various provinces in the coming months. National reflection on corona also takes place on all islands of the Caribbean Netherlands.

Who are you standing by?
The pandemic was the biggest crisis in our kingdom in the past 75 years. Corona hit everyone in a different way. There was help, togetherness, gratitude and love, but also loneliness, fear and anger. In the exhibition, more than 40 Dutch people tell a story about the person who made the most impression on that person during the pandemic. So a story about someone else. The stories include impressive photos from the corona years. The exhibition invites everyone to add their own story. The central question is: who are you thinking about?

National Committee
The project is organized by the National Committee to reflect on corona, which was set up by the cabinet to consider how we can reflect on the consequences that the corona crisis has had on society. The committee consists of 12 members with expertise and knowledge from all parts of society. The chairman is Arno Brok, Commissioner of the King in the Province of Fryslân.
