National day of action Ukraine: Dutch celebrities answer the phone for Giro555

It’s great to see how many people are committed to Ukraine. Giro number 555 was opened a week ago on behalf of eleven collaborating aid organizations, on behalf of Ukraine after the invasion of Russia. Before the start of today’s action, the counter was already at 21.4 million euros, which is five million euros more than last Saturday. The counter now stands at 29.5 million euros.

Through Instagram you can follow the famous Dutch during the action. There they are, all very eager to help and hoping to get you on the phone.

For example, Danny Froger was on the call panel this morning. He says via Instagram: “I am sitting somewhere I would rather not have been, I am here purely to collect donations for Giro555. If you can spare something, donate!”

Ruben Nicolai also makes himself heard: “Let’s take action together for Ukraine. Forty-four million Ukrainians desperately need our help. Hundreds of thousands are already on the run. So give, via Giro555.”

The Meilandjes also support the action. For example, Martien Meiland writes: “The people from Ukraine urgently need help. They live in fear and uncertainty, but we can help. I give to Giro555. Do you give too?”

Other famous Dutch people, who cannot be there today, let us know via Instagram that they will participate in the action by saying or posting ‘I give’.


Today you will see DJs from different radio stations working together and presenting during the special broadcast. They can be heard on Radio555 between 09:00 and 21:00, which is broadcast simultaneously on ten participating national radio stations.

This morning Gerard Ekdom and Sander Lantinga kicked off with the song freedom from George Michael. †freedom is a great asset, George Michael already knew that at the time”, said the DJs after the song. Later, even former colleagues Mattie Valk and Wietze de Jager showed up together after their much-discussed breakup. You will soon hear Annemieke Schollaardt and Barry Paff on the radio, followed by Rob Stenders and Rob van Someren, Domien Verschuuren and Ruud de Wild. In the evening Coen Swijnenberg and Marieke Elsinga, Sander Hoogendoorn and Tim Klijn pass by.