National Crisis Plan on extreme violence and terrorism | News item

News item | 10-10-2023 | 4:00 pm

The chance that the Netherlands will be hit by a terrorist attack or experience an extreme violent incident is considerable. This is evident from, among other things, the Terrorism Threat Assessment in the Netherlands 58.

Maximum preparation for extreme and terrorist violence therefore remains of great importance. In order to respond quickly and coordinated to an attack or incident, the NCTV has drawn up the National Crisis Plan for Extreme Violence and Terrorism (LCP) in collaboration with crisis partners and stakeholders.

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The LCP states what responsibilities each party has during a terrorist attack or an extreme violent incident. For example, the police have a different responsibility and range of tasks than a security region. However, these tasks may differ depending on each crisis. That is why various scenarios have been devised and developed, which can be supportive if a crisis occurs.

Given the increasing threat of terrorist attacks and extreme incidents of violence, a well-streamlined and coordinated government response is essential. Especially at the start of a crisis, there can be many uncertainties that can limit a rapid response. For example, it is not always immediately clear whether there is a terrorist attack or a (threatening) extreme violent incident. This LCP provides guidance at local, regional and national level and describes the joint approach in times of a crisis, as well as the goals, strategic principles and the cooperation between public and private crisis partners.

An attack or extreme violence always has a direct impact on society. By creating insight, we can control the consequences of a terrorist attack or extreme violence and, if necessary, limit damage. As a source of information, this LCP provides tools and guidelines for planning by public and private (crisis) partners during an incident.

With this LCP we contribute to effective management of threats and crises involving (imminent) extreme violence, with or without a terrorist motive.
