National coach Richardsson: ‘Dutch handball is on the international map’ | Sport

But it is undeniable that the team is gaining more and more prestige, says Richardsson. “When I started, the goal was to play more games against strong teams. That worked. We now have the opportunity to play against strong teams and we have also shown good matches,” he said after the defeat against the Portuguese (28-35).


“It was disappointing that we lost, because we won the previous two meetings with Portugal, which is really one of the best European teams. At the European Championships at the beginning of this year we defeated them and last Thursday in the away game of the play-offs also (33-30). To win there by three goals was a great achievement. Now we are at the point where we have to figure out how to always play well against the top countries.”

The Dutch comfort each other after missing out on the World Cup.

The Dutch comfort each other after missing out on the World Cup.

The national coach was not sure why it didn’t go well for 2500 fanatical home fans in the Indoor Sports Center of Eindhoven on Sunday. “We missed a lot of opportunities. We threw the balls from close range too often against the keeper. We came back well in the second half to 19-19 and 24-25, but then the balloon suddenly deflated. There was absolutely no energy left in the team. It’s a shame because we were closer than ever to participating in a World Cup,” said Richardsson.

Ending contract

The 49-year-old Icelander is in his fifth year of service for the handball association NHV. His contract expires in June, talks about whether or not to extend it will take place in the coming week. “I don’t know if we’re going to make it, but I do know that I love the team. We have achieved great things in recent years and the players can be proud of that, but also the federation and the club trainers. I continued with what had already been built up here. Dutch handball counts internationally. The women were already at the top, but the men are now also making strides. I am optimistic about the future.”

The talks with the union are not only about the future of the team, Richardsson also includes his own functioning. “I am also critical of myself and want to know what I may have done wrong. But the main question is what needs to be done to make the team better. Which step is next? I now compare the team to a high jumper who has been trying to get 1 centimeter higher for a while. At the moment I don’t have a clear answer how we are going to do that.”

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