National Bank watches over geen admitted economic recession door oorlog in Oekraïne | economy

De oorlog in Oekraïne heeft een serieuze impact op de Belgische economy, maar zal volgens de Nationale Bank not suffer tot een admitted economic recession of stagflatie in ons country. This is due to new economic considerations from the central bank of the United Kingdom. We are warned of the bank for the concurrent power of the bedrijven.

De oorlog in Oekraïne deed de Nationale Bank decided om de najaarsprognose van and december bij te make. Also, the right-hand tree is covered by blood flow from the country to Russia in Austria, but the result suffers from very serious economic shocks.

The guarding is dat onze economy a piece less than large then guarded. Maar een Zware economic recessie of stagflatie verwacht de centrale bank niet. In het tweede quarter zou de groei light negatief zijn. Maar onder Meer thankszij een sterker dan bewachte groei in de laatste maanden van vorig jaar zou de economic groei dit jaar wel nog uitkomen op 2.4 per cent. The central bank also went from a large percentage to 2.6 percent.

For the following year, 1.5 per cent is required for the large amount, in places of the watched 2.4 per cent. In 2024 zou de groei zelf iets high liggen da verwacht: 1.9 in plaats van 1.6 per cent.

The Nationale Bank warns that there will be an “ancient impact” from the energy prices on the concurrent power of the bedrijven. The energieprijzen stuwen de inflation, what via Loonindexeringen weighs op de concurrentiekracht. Over the period 2022-2023, there will be 10 percent of the costs in the privésector sea, and in 2024 they will be 2.4 percent, which means that it will be 13 percent over the raming period. “Ongezien”, aldus de Nationale Bank.

However, the Nationale Bank does not think that they are suffering from a long-lasting spiral of loon prices. The total inflation will be up to 5 percent every year, but in the next two years. In addition, in the countryside, the works required to compensate for the use of energy costs. The concurrent power of the central bank as well as the “minimum of the term” are indicated by the high energy prices.

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