National Association of General Practitioners signs the Integral Care Agreement | News item

News item | 24-01-2023 | 22:07

The members of the National Association of General Practitioners (LHV) have agreed to the signing of the Integral Care Agreement (IZA) during the general meeting tonight. With this, the LHV commits itself to the agreements that have been made about the future of healthcare. The LHV is expected to officially sign the IZA tomorrow, in the presence of Minister Ernst Kuipers, Minister Conny Helder and State Secretary Maarten van Ooijen. In September, eleven other healthcare parties signed the IZA together with the VNG, the Ministry of VWS, the National Health Care Institute and the Dutch Healthcare Authority.

Minister Ernst Kuipers (VWS): “General practitioners play an important role in our healthcare system. I am therefore pleased that the LHV has decided to also join the plans of the Integrated Care Agreement. Due to the steps that have already been taken in recent months, the LHV has sufficient confidence in the implementation of the agreements in the IZA. By working together with all parties, we can come up with solutions that are necessary to keep healthcare accessible, affordable and of good quality, now and in the future.

Strengthen primary care

One of the most important goals of the IZA is to strengthen primary care. General practitioners play an important role in our health care system and investments must therefore be made in this area. All parties in the IZA recognize this. The IZA parties have worked hard over the past period to expeditiously implement important agreements in general practitioner care, such as more time for the patient and the new higher rates for evening, night and weekend care. The agreements will be further translated into concrete actions in the near future. The progress of the agreements is monitored and it is examined whether they are sustainable in the long term.
