Nathan Moszkowicz throws himself on sale after Lil Kleine drama

Nathan Moszkowicz is currently pretty much selling himself now that his management firm no longer benefits from cash cow Lil Kleine. So says juice queen Yvonne Coldeweijer.

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The management office of Nathan Moszkowicz, the son of Bram Moszkowicz, has suffered greatly from the demise of harness rapper Lil Kleine. Jorik Scholten, as the rapper is really called, has mistreated his ex-girlfriend Jaimie Vaes in a horrific way and therefore hardly gets a job. And then there is little to pay to Nathan.

“Nathan, this is sad!”

Nathan is now desperately trying to get new artists for his office, Yvonne Coldeweijer knows. She writes: “Lol. I hear Nathan Moszko, Lil’s manager, is beating around influencers in the DM. Whether they want to join him. It even got a little sad.”

She continues: “One influencer had indicated that she was already talking to another management, to which Nathan begged: ‘I think it’s fair if you give me a chance.’ There doesn’t seem to be much coming in lately. Very crazy. According to the latest spy reporting, most influencers have kindly thanked them.”

‘Me too’

Yvonne then shows how an influencer says to her: “Me too, and then delete the message and send it again ?.”

The juice queen then: “Whahah why. Because you don’t answer?”

The anonymous influencer: “Yeah haha ​​he keeps trying.”

“Stalked me too!”

Another influencer tells Yvonne: “Omg hahaha Yv, he stalked me too. I never responded. . Every time again. And then he knew his first message. And typed it again. So he got to the top of my list. But really fifty times I think.”

Yvonne surprised: “Lol yes, I just posted that someone else said that too.”


More juice from Yvonne about Nathan:
