Natasja Froger has an extra car to go to the baker and butcher

Natasja Froger needs an extra car to go to the bakery and butcher from her Blaricum villa. They are a seven-minute bike ride away. “And not within walking distance either.”


There was a lot of trouble between Natasja and René Froger last year. She suddenly wanted to leave their capital villa, which is located next to the Gooise Blaricummerheide. They have a house with an area of ​​1,200 square meters on their plot of land of 6,000 square meters. Very lavish of course, especially for two people.

Natasja on Funda

Natasja therefore wanted to live a little smaller, and preferably a little more in the center of Blaricum. Now they are located on the edge of the village, near the A1. She made a big fuss about it, to the annoyance of René, who just wanted to keep his Froger kingdom. But yes, they visit Funda every day and also plan viewings.

Once she finally found her dream house in the center of Blaricum, she called it off again. What’s up with that? “We have been living in our villa in Blaricum since 1994 and I suddenly had enough of it two years ago. I thought it was way too big for the two of us and was ready for something else,” she says in the Female friend.

In the middle of the village

What exactly did Natasha want? “I not only wanted to live smaller, but also more centrally: in the middle of the village and within walking distance of the bakery and butcher. I had totally romanticized that. I also thought we would only need one car. Yes, I am quite practical.”

Hey? So now she needs an extra car, just for the baker and the butcher?! Are they that far away? In her case, the nearest bakery and butcher, Tetteroo and Slagerij De Vries, are not in Blaricum, but in Laren. Cycling in seven (!) minutes. Perhaps an e-bike is the idea; which is very popular among seniors these days.

Small garden

Natasja was the only one who wanted to move. “René didn’t want that at all. The children didn’t like it either. There are so many memories here for them, they did not want René and I to leave here.”

Why did Natasja finally change her mind? “When my dream house in the middle of the village came up for sale and I was sitting there in the garden during a viewing, the realization dawned on me: if René has something to discuss about the Toppers – or another project that no one is allowed to know yet – he should could never discuss it there in the garden.”

Left right

Why couldn’t René discuss that there? “You have neighbors on the left, right, everywhere who can listen in. Where we live now, we can’t hear our neighbors and they can’t hear us. Which is nice, since everything for the Toppers always happens with us.”

Oh yes, indeed. It will soon be revealed which carnival suit René will be wearing on stage again that year. Nice and fascinating… Anyway, the two of René and Natasja are staying on their 6,000 square meter estate. And in the meantime, present programs about the housing shortage on television. Clever viewing!
