Natalie Portman surprises in the new movie Thor: Love and Thunder

In the latest film Thor: Love and Thunder, Jane Foster, starring Natalie Portman, is once again featured.

Natalie Portman is seen again in Marvel’s Thor film. Matt Baron / Shutterstock

Thor: Love and Thunder, which premieres in Finland in July, continues the adventures of the God of Thunder in Marvel’s cartoon world. The upcoming sequel will once again feature actress Natalie Portman.

Portman starred together Chris Hemsworthin with in the first and second Thor films. Thor: Portman was not seen in Ragnarök, and the film was more of an action film between Thor and the Hulk.

In the upcoming fourth Thor film, the god of thunder fights together with his ex-girlfriend Jane and Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) and Korgi (Magic Waitit) against the worst killer in the galaxy. They seek to prevent the murderer of the gods from going to exterminate the gods of the galaxies.

Gorr the God Butcher is starring in the Batman movies Christian Bale, who makes his first appearance in Marvel films. The upcoming film, directed by Taika Waitit, has a long list of famous front-line public figures.

You can watch the trailer from here.

Fans excited

In the fourth part, Portman returns to his role as Jane Foster, who gets the power of Thor. The film’s trailer as well as the official posters feature Foster’s character with Thor’s Mjölnir hammer.

At this point, fans of the Marvel series would rub their eyes, as in comics and movies, no one is worth Mjölnir.

In previous Marvel films, the famous Hammer of the Thunder God has only been seen destroyed by Hela (Cate Blanchett) in Thor: Ragnarök. However, fans were most impressed by the battle scene against Thano in Avengers: Endgame in 2019, when Captain America (Chris Evans) proves its worth to Mjölnir.

In the upcoming sequel to the Thor films, Jane, played by Portman, gets the power of Thor and is worthy of the God of Thunder. AOP

In the new Thor, Jane Foster is impressed. He is not a superhero or a god, but an ordinary man who gains Thor’s powers and thus has his own value in using a selective hammer.

Reactions to advances

Marvel fans are looking forward to the upcoming film precisely because Thor is fighting alongside his ex in the action film. Also, the humor of the films, which is already conveyed from the trailer, has made those who have followed the saga waiting for the upcoming film.

The trailer has sparked a lively debate.

– Thor has grown so much as a character. It’s amazing how much they’ve developed him since the first film.

– This is a Marvel movie I’m looking forward to. Once Magic is back, there is a movie probably a hit.

Jane Fosterina, a poster from Portman, has also been interested in social media, especially because of Mjölnir.

– She’s worth it!

– I can not wait.

Source: Marvel
