Natalia Figueroa Morello: Conscious Leadership, the Mindful side of Management

Harmony in a person’s life lies in achieving balance on a personal and professional level. The advancement of the media, on many occasions, means that there is no disconnection between work and private life. Access to online messages, email boxes, newspapers, magazines, various information, all on the same device, means that these two planes have to be constantly integrated.

The problem of managing the emotions of individuals at work is a challenge for companies. For this, it is necessary to manage a Conscious Leadership where both the objectives of the company and personal needs are taken into account.

Companies are complex and dynamic systems, made up of people with different emotions, personalities, characters, and backgrounds, where it is important to know each member to coordinate and obtain unified criteria. And so, all advance with the same purpose.

The transformation of a scheme where the human resource was oriented towards purely economic goals, to an integrating paradigm that understands it from all its edges, is essential for an efficient operation. The challenge for companies today is that the intersection of the interests of the group of collaborators is the Mission and the Vision of the Company.

My proposal encompasses a ‘3600 Perspective’ to solve the cyclical problems that organizations face, with a result that impacts the productivity of work teams and, therefore, profitability.

The work must be carried out with all personnel involved. It is transversal to the entire organization. Knowing in depth the behavior patterns, qualities and characteristics of the teams is essential.

Putting Conscious Leadership into practice, implementing empathy, commitment and integrity, but above all, coherence between what is thought, felt and acted, allows the desired results to be achieved, thus generating a commitment and a feeling of belonging, where that satisfaction of the work done and the objective achieved is universal.

Natalia Figueroa Morello, provides consulting to companies, leaders and professionals.

On October 20, he began his second tour of the United States, having two main presentations in Miami, Florida.

For more information, you can see the details in the following links:

Leadership Conference:


Contact information:

Instagram: @nati_figueroamorello


LinkedIn: Nati Figueroa Morello

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