Natacha Harlequin has no problem with cheating Waylon

Natacha Harlequin has no problem with Waylon cheating on his beloved Bibi Breijman while she was heavily pregnant on the couch at home. “My father also had extramarital affairs.”

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Natacha Harlequin is very surprised that the media is making such a big deal about Waylon’s cheating. According to the Shownieuws expert, it is not so exceptional that Bibi Breijman has been cheated. “Isn’t this really just a private thing between Waylon and Bibi?” the criminal lawyer wonders.

‘This is part of it’

No, says colleague Bart Ettekoven. He points out that this is just regular show news. “If they had been unknown Dutch, yes, but I mean: he makes it known himself, he admits it frankly. Yes, this is what comes with being a famous Dutchman, Natacha.”

Natacha finds all this fuss strange. Cheating is something very common, she says. Something that is also part of a relationship. “Yes, but only for a moment, because you have been in showbiz for so long and with all those celebrities: are you still very surprised by people who cheat? I don’t. I think it’s part of it.”

“How do you like this?”

Anouk Smulders is in any case surprised that a woman thinks so easily about cheating men. “How do you feel about this being a woman then?”

Natacha: “First of all, I don’t know what the agreements are between them. I do not know.”

Bart: “Well, he says, ‘I fucked up’, so that implies they’re not in an open relationship.”

Natacha: “No, I don’t know. †

Anouk: “Of course not. Then you don’t say on Insta: ‘I fucked up’? If you’re in an open relationship, you don’t say that.”

Bart: “Then you don’t apologize either.”

cheating father

Natacha knows nothing but that men cheat. “One does not exclude the other. Look, I once gave an interview about that: my parents died, but my father had extramarital affairs. Then you first see that someone never leaves. I am also a product of such a relationship.”

Ronald Molendijk: “What do you mean, someone never leaves?”

Natacha: “Well, if someone enters into a relationship with a married person or someone who really has a lasting relationship with children… Yes, it will always work out, one way or the other, because there are children.”

‘Where is the border?’

Ah, so Bibi should keep things together because they have kids. Bart: “There are also plenty of examples of women who say: ‘Pack your things and there’s the hole in the door!’ With children too.”

Presenter Annemarie Brüning surprised: “Yes, when will it be enough? Where is the limit?”

Natacha thinks you shouldn’t take it so hard and you should also look at the circumstances. “When it comes to someone thinking: I’m going with this man now and then I hope he leaves his wife for me… Yes, that usually doesn’t happen. So then I think: who was it? How long was that relationship? Yes…”

strong women

Anouk again, full of surprise: “But what does it do to you as a woman? You gave birth yourself, you have a child.”

Natacha: “I always think… The video also just started: ‘Yes, Bibi is pathetic. Pathetic Bibi.’ I often see that women who are cheated or cheated on end up being the strongest. They have to, because there are children. So there will always be room in that woman’s head that goes beyond her own anger or beyond her own sadness. And that’s what I’m thinking about now.”

free pass

For Natacha, children are therefore a license for the man to have unlimited cheating. She points out Bibi’s responsibility to keep the family together. “If you think in the best interests of the children, I hope they can figure it out in their own way.”

She emphasizes that Waylon has already said sorry. “He indicates what is going on, gets to work with himself and for the rest it is something between him and Bibi.”

Well, the Monique Westenberg of the legal profession has risen.
