Nastri d’Argento TV series: Outside night, Prisma, Sea out

TOalso i Silver Ribbonsthe prize created by the Syndicate of Italian Film Journalistshave adapted to the times and for a few years now they also turn to TV series. Here are the awards that will be assigned on Saturday 17 June, in collaboration with the Campania Region Film Commission, at the Court Theater of Palazzo Reale in Naples.

From Black Mirror to Zerocalcare: 10 TV series not to be missed in June 2023

Night exterior by Marco Bellocchio is the Best tv series 2023along with two of the leading actors: Margherita Buyas the wife of Aldo MoroAnd Fabrizio Gifuni in those of the politician assassinated by the BR. The series of the year instead is the phenomenon Sea outof which the fourth season, the musical and the all-female spin-off have already been announced Born free.

Teen TV series among the Nastri d’Argento winners Sea out And Prism

Beyond Night exterior and the teen series Sea out there is also room, in the different categories, for Lidia Poët’s law (Netflix) among the best ‘Crime’ titles. Call my agent – ​​ItalySky’s Italian remake of the acclaimed French series (Paolo Sorrentinoamong the guest stars involved, grabs the special ribbon for his hilarious performance), surpasses all of the comedies and for Prism (Prime Video), the best ‘Dramedy’, signed by Federico Bessegato, who returns to talk about teenagers after the success of Skam Italy and has just started filming the second season.

Circeo (Paramount+ and Rai Fiction) on the terrible massacre of the Circeo in 1975 and Filumena Marturanus with Massimiliano Gallo e Valeria Scalera are the best ‘Docuseries’ and the best TV film.

Maria Esposito, Matteo Paolillo and Antonio D’Aquino of “Mare fuori”. (Sabrina Cyril)

Among the best actors Margherita Buy and Fabrizio Gifuni

Fabrizio Gifuni and Margherita Buy they are the perfect couple in the series Night exterior by Marco Bellocchio. He interprets Aldo Moroshe is the wife Eleanorwho fought with all her might to save her husband from being kidnapped by the BR.

Valentina Belle after the convincing interpretations in I wanted to be a rock star And Romulus II he finally wins the Ribbon for another role to frame: in the Disney + series The Good Mothers plays Giuseppina Pesce, daughter of the ‘Ndrangheta boss Salvatore Pesce, against whom she rebels to collaborate with justice. Andrew Pennacchithe oldest patient of Everything asks for salvation (the second season is being prepared which will arrive on Netflix), is the best supporting actor.

“Prism”. (First Videos)

Special awards to the tv series Django and the first 30 years of Lux Vide

The SNGCI Board Special Awards go to the miniseries Only out of passion – Letizia Battaglia photographer by Roberto Andò with Isabella Ragoneseto Francesca Comencini artistic director of Djangothe western series that pays homage to the cult of Sergio Corbuccito the aforementioned Paolo Sorrentino and the production house Lux Vide, of the Freemantle group, for the first 30 years of business. Among the most popular titles are mentioned Don Matteo, God help us And Doc – in your hands.

The winners of the Silver Ribbons – TV series

Series of the year
Sea out. Season 3 (Rai Fiction)

Best series
Night exterior by Marco Bellocchio (Rai Fiction)

Best Crime Series
Lidia Poët’s law (Netflix)

Best Drama Series
Prism (First Videos)

Best Comedy Series
Call My Agent – ​​Italy (Sky)

Best Documentary Series
Circeo (Paramount+ and Rai Fiction)

Best TV Movie
Filumena Marturanus (Rai Fiction)

Best Leading Actress
Margherita Buy (Night exterior)

Best Leading Actor
Fabrizio Gifuni (Night exterior)

Best Supporting Actress
Valentina Belle (The Good MothersDisney+)

Best Supporting Actor
Andrea Pennacchi (Everything asks for salvationNetflix)

Special prizes

Just for passion – Letizia Battaglia Photographer (Rai Fiction)
Francesca Comencini for the artistic direction of Django (Sky)

Paolo Sorrentino. Guest stars in Call my agent – ​​Italy (Sky)
Lux Vide for the first 30 years of success

Tape of legality-series

All for my son (Rai Fiction) by Umberto Marino

