NASpI in maternity, risks and resources for new mothers

TOwe toasted to Fornero law which allowed for extend the NASpI (New Social Insurance for Employment), shock absorber intended for employees who involuntarily lose their job, also to mothers who voluntarily choose to resign within one year of the child’s life (i.e. starting from 300 days before the expected date of birth and up to the completion of the first year of the child’s life). But today we do the math, and they’re not good at all. As he tells Carolina Casolo, founder of Sportello Mamme«the NASpI in many cases it turns into a real boomerang. An opportunity designed to offer a peaceful post-maternity has been transformed, for many women, into a fatal choice, which ends up ousting them from the world of work”.

What is NASpI and how does it work

The indemnity of NASpI is recognized for a maximum duration equal to half of weeks worked in the past 48 months. In fact, if you have always worked in the 48 months preceding the application, they will be due 24 months of compensation. In addition to the involuntary loss of work it is necessary to boast 13 contributory weeks in the past 48 months e 30 working days in the 12 months preceding the application. The monthly amount for NASpI is calculated on the average basic pay for the last 48 monthstherefore it also includes the reduced value of the salary for the mothers who have requested the parental leave (optional maternity leave).

NASpI, risk or opportunity? Depends

Especially in the aftermath of the pandemic, they are the cases of requests for voluntary resignation by young mothers have increased. «The work-family balance is perceived as insurmountable and it is thought that quitting is the solution. But the 24 months of the NASpI they pass quickly and many new mothers find themselves, in the end, completely excluded from employment». With an additional risk: dependence on the other parent. “Many women find themselves, at the end of the subsidy, receiving pocket money from their husbands. Psychologically nullified by the situation, in the not remote case that the couple also explodes, they find themselves alone and with nothing in hand: many new mothers arrive in this situation at our psychological desk ».

It is therefore worth continuing to grit your teeth and in any case avoid asking for it NASpI? “Of course not. There NASpI it is an asset if you have a project and use the grant time to develop the business plan. An alternative, absolutely useful if you have clear ideas, is to ask for advance payment NASpI»: a single payment that can be used to support a new business. «On average, it is a figure that is around 18-20 thousand euros: it is a potential “castelletto” that can give breathing space to a woman who decides to open a VAT number».

Carolina Casolo, consultant and founder of Sportello Mamme

Expert advice before opening a VAT number

Carolina Casolo supports many new mothers in the post Naspi. “Sometimes I intercept them first and advise against proceeding. And I often find myself explaining that a VAT number is not a plan B: you need to have a clear business idea, a defined road map and a deep awareness of the difficulties you are facing». It’s not just about paying taxes with the system of balances and advances, decidedly more complicated than the application of withholdings which, in the case of female employees, is directly applied by the employer. “There are a lot of fiscal, organizational and psychological issues to deal with.”

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What activity for a new mother?

I change my life, I change my job, I change everything. Especially in the Covid and post-Covid period, many people, e many new mothers have cultivated the dream of a different life, of a possible life balance. “There was a real flourish of Iad, domestic food businesses», says Casolo. However, the dream of transforming one’s passion for cooking or cake design at home and at reduced costs has turned into a mirage for many. “Just considering that the activity takes place in an environment that is also a home, the health and hygiene rules for the conservation and preparation of food are very strict and onerous”. Between inspections by firefighters and professional refrigerators, reality can far surpass fantasy.

Home restaurant, Tagesmutter and wedding planner: will it work?

Even activities with children, such as home nurseries, on the Tagesmutter model (from the German “daytime mother”), are more difficult than one imagines: not only from a practical point of view but also from a fiscal, organizational and hygienic point of view. «The profile of a woman who tries this path is that of the wealthy and dreamer: she spends a lot but her project runs aground. But fortunately she is not destroyed economically ». A first aid for this type of activity is possible. «Sometimes, by changing the focus: sometimes it’s the activity that really doesn’t work, others mistakes have been made. The first step is to be aware of it».

Password: diversify

One of the solutions that can prove successful is the so-called rebranding: «A long-term goal can be achieved, diversifying the activity, through other activities and medium-term goals». For example in the case of dream, for many, of becoming a wedding planner. «You earn in production, and to obtain engagements you must already have excellent relationships with guaranteed suppliers, insurance in order, you must have experience», warns Casolo. «In the meantime that this experience is matured, it can then make sense develop your online business. Pproposing, for example, for the graphics of the invitations or the personalized bouquets sent home». Services that it is not too expensive to propose and provide, through which you can start making yourself known.

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The great online resource

The digital world remains, in fact, that of great possibilities. Not just for kids who dream of becoming an influencer or Tiktoker. On the contrary. For example, graphics and marketing, copywriting and secretarial activities can in fact be carried out via the web. «We can offer ourselves as a virtual assistant, to which small companies and professionals can delegate remote accounting, contact the accountant And secretarial services», suggests Casolo. You can promote yourself independently, with an ad hoc site or join dedicated portals (see Your virtual office or Secretary24). The prospects can really be the most varied, the ambitions great, such as that of founding a successful start-up, but also minimal, such as achieving the coveted family-work balance.

