NASA deelt powerful foto van felle zonnevlam | Wetenschap

A zone is a project on the surface of the zone. Zo’n explosion ontstaat Wanner de energy plots vrijkkomt the wordt vastgehouden in the magnetic field van de St.

Tuesday explode earth de zonnevlek called AR3006. The explosion is brought by NASA into the X-class, of which the second category. The corresponding zones can also ensure that radio connections and central electricity in uitvallen.

Volgens de website veroorzaakt de uitbarsting van dinsdag radiostoringen op de Kortegolf in areas around the Atlantic Ocean. Radio transmissions, the works on frequenties on the 30 MHz camped with storing tot sea then een uur na de zonnevlam.

Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) indicates the explosion on the vast area. Deze ruimtesonde van der Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA monitors are 2010 for the duration of the activity of the ster.
