Napoli, Natan ready for Genoa

From language to tactics, the Brazilian has entered a different reality. But with Genoa there should be

Salvatore Malfitano

If you want to think about destiny, you would say that marriage is lucky. Natan is originally from the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, whose city of the same name is also the one with the most Neapolitans in the world. In short, the landing in Europe could not have occurred anywhere else. Yet, even though just over a month has passed since his arrival, he has not yet collected any minutes with the Napoli shirt. Rudi Garcia always deployed Juan Jesus from the first minute, with Ostigard replacing him for the remainder of the match. A decidedly different start to the season compared to the other two signings: Cajuste started the first matchday of the championship against Frosinone, Lindstrom made his debut at the first opportunity, in the match against Lazio. A choice, that of the technical staff, which raises many questions.

the tongue

The issue, in fact, does not only concern the inclusion and understanding of the coach’s playing requests. The language could pose some barriers, but Natan can count on the support of his compatriot Juan Jesus and is already studying Italian to integrate as quickly as possible. In recent days Garcia has focused a lot on him, precisely because he needs to test him very soon. The teammate’s indications, in this sense, were invaluable in the dialogue with the coach. Napoli, like the other big players in Europe, are expected to have a very busy calendar upon their return from the break. The restart will take place on Saturday against Genoa and from there, between the championship and the Champions League, there will always be a midweek match until the October break. A situation that requires the use of all the players to dose the energies in the right way, so there will in all likelihood also be room for Natan, possibly already in Genoa against the rossoblù, then considering the European away match with Braga. It remains to be seen whether from the first minute or during the match, in any case his moment seems to be upon us, after these first outings in which he has been preserved so far.


Talking about fate is necessary to fully understand Natan. Not only because in reality he was not Napoli’s first choice, that he had looked at other players such as Danso, Kilman and Le Normand. Going back to his past, his life has presented him with important challenges. His greatest motivation lies in his older brother Felipe, who is confined to a wheelchair due to a brain disability. When he was younger he loved taking part in the shows organized by his church and he was there too four years ago at the Flamengo sports center when the flames took away from this world 10 boys who equally cultivated the dream of becoming established players. In 2020, upon renewal shortly after his debut in the first team, the club included a 70 million termination clause in the contract, but then he went on loan to Bragantino, where in March 2022 his heart forced him to stop for two months due to some anomalies resulting from the tests. From this point of view, Rudi Garcia is certain that he is faced with a man, rather than a footballer, used to surviving. With the determination of those who do not know an insurmountable obstacle. He just needs to be put in a position to be able to demonstrate it and the time to do so has now arrived.
