Naples, two arrests for collisions in curve B during the match against Milan

They are also responsible for a Daspo for five years. The analysis of the video surveillance systems by Digos was decisive: they are two members of the “Ultras 72” group. The charge is possession of blunt objects and aggravated brawl

After the clashes in curve B during Naples-Milan last Sunday, the investigations by Digos, also carried out thanks to the vision of the images recorded by the video surveillance systems present at the sports facility, led to the deferred arrest of a 32-year-old in the morning Neapolitan and a 37-year-old from the province of Benevento, both with police records.

take the dice

The two, members of the “Ultras 72” group, were arrested for possession of blunt objects or in any case capable of offending in the places involved in sporting events and for aggravated brawl; two 5-year bans on access to sporting events (Daspo) were issued against them.
