Naples, the countdown has started for the match against Inter in early January

The mini-retreat in Turkey ended last night, the team will return to training the day after tomorrow. There will also be Anguissa, Olivera and Lozano. Two more tests at Maradona are expected before Christmas

The count-down towards the resumption of the championship has begun, which for the leaders means going to challenge Inter at her home on 4 January. Three weeks that Luciano Spalletti and his staff have planned to get the best out of rest, field tests and personalized training sessions. In the night between Sunday and Monday, after 10 days of work in Turkey – very satisfying for the coach – the team returned to headquarters. The players were given two and a half days of rest, they will return to training on the pitch on Wednesday 14th in the afternoon. Exactly three weeks after the resumption of the championship.


Two more are planned, both before Christmas. Saturday 17 at 20.30 against Villarreal of old acquaintances Pepe Reina and Raul Albiol, who will be welcomed by at least 30,000 spectators at Maradona, because there is a great desire in the fans to see today’s favorites at work and also those of the past next anyway full of good memories. Then Wednesday 21 at 20 another test against Lilla, again at the Maradona. Certainly none of the players who are returning from the World Cup will be used against Villarreal. Probably also in that of 21: they will continue with a differentiated work.


The five veterans from Qatar were given 15 days of rest. So when Wednesday resumes or at the latest the following day, Anguissa, Olivera and Lozano should return. Between the 19th and 20th it will be the turn of Zielinski and Kim Minjae who have been involved in the round of 16. A personalized program will be started for them, after having verified their conditions through physical tests. Having never disconnected, except in the last two weeks, they will need some “recall” of physical preparation. The goal is to bring the whole group to the post-Christmas recovery on the 27th to work together homogeneously in a sort of typical week that will lead to the match against Inter on January 4th.
