Naples, Spalletti: ‘Barcelona is better’

The Azzurri coach: “The typical atmosphere of Naples had been created. The whistles at Insigne? Even tonight he played the part of him and we still need him “

A defeat difficult to comment on for Napoli. The dreams of a prestigious qualification vanished under the blows of Barcelona, ​​who, unlike the first leg, were able to capitalize on everything they created, also taking advantage of too many mistakes made by Luciano Spalletti’s team. The coach is lucid in recognizing merits and demerits. “We have to be honest, they made little mistakes in the possession phase and we did more than usual. They were good at making the ball go round, also facilitated by the opening goal. From the second goal of De Jong then things have been more complicated ”, the coach observed to the microphones of Sky Sport. The disappointment is also great for not having properly rewarded the expectations of the environment: “There is a great regret, because the typical atmosphere of Naples had been created, a Maradona effect as if it had been present. We would have liked to rise to the occasion. It took us so much effort to be here all together, and this doubles the sadness, even more than the result. I am primarily responsible when the team fails to have a correct attitude on the pitch. In some moments we tried to hold the ball more to go against their pressure, to avoid being intimidated and to avoid their vehemence ”.

No alibi

The many absences due to injuries must not be an exemption, according to Spalletti: “There are players who have more qualities in doing certain things. Lobotka when attacked knows how to turn around and get out of the opponent’s interventions. Demme and Fabian Ruiz know how to play, talking about those missing for acquittal means lowering trust in those who have been there. I don’t think Italian football is behind. Many teams play a fierce, purposeful game. If you compare with some foreign formations such as Barcelona, ​​we can express ourselves at a high level but maybe having everyone available the difference would have seemed less. Are you whistling at Insigne? There are few compared to those who have appreciated him over the years, even tonight he played the part of him and we still need him ”. In any case, on Sunday there will be Lazio, a decisive direct clash for Napoli’s scudetto ambitions. “We have to regroup, without drowning in this result. In two days we are already leaving to play in Rome ”is the coach’s appeal.


Bitterness is palpable even in the words of Dries Mertens. “Too bad, the full stadium was full, there was the perfect atmosphere. Barcelona played a great match, we did not express ourselves at high levels but we must not lower our heads because an important match against Lazio awaits us on Sunday ”, the Belgian analyzed. “It is not always a question of character – he continued – there are many factors such as injuries. You can’t always train well, we play a lot of matches. Unfortunately, it is hard, we will try to sleep peacefully to prepare ourselves properly. We have to learn from these defeats, we have many young players who are not used to a certain type of competition ”. According to Zielinski, however, the problem was the approach: “We can’t concede two goals so quickly and easily, we weren’t convinced up front. We should have made more use of the spaces behind the defensive line and made fewer mistakes when exiting. I hope that such an evening does not undermine our awareness “.
