Naples, Politano-Lindstrom runoff. New dualism for Garcia

Once Lozano has left, the Italian will have to deal with the Dane who arrived from Eintracht Frankfurt

Salvatore Malfitano

On the one hand, competition in a department helps to increase application and stimulates players to raise their performance level. On the other hand, however, the lack of continuity and a certain type of trust can annoy and undermine the awareness that is necessary at such a high level of professionalism. The balance between these two visions is very subtle and difficult to maintain; the results are an excellent glue in this sense. Matteo Politano perhaps would have preferred to receive greater guarantees from Napoli and Rudi Garcia, in the summer in which it was clear that Lozano would be sold or otherwise kept out of the technical project. The former Inter player has been fighting for a long time for a starting shirt which has never been assigned to him gradually, but always within a dualism which has at times become exasperating. And that could happen again soon.

new dualism

In fact, to replace the Mexican, Napoli has chosen to focus on a young and promising player like Jesper Lindstrom. Jolly for the attack, being capable of operating both on both flanks and behind a striker, he was taken from Eintracht Frankfurt for 25 million euros. An important investment for the Danish player, born in 2000, who is part of his national team. Also because it was Lindstrom himself who declared in a recent interview that he preferred the Azzurri to Liverpool precisely because he was promised constant employment. “The Reds were on me too, but how much time would I have had to play? Would it have been smart to go there? I’m a fan of theirs, so it could have been an insanely interesting experience too. But if I’m not playing, I might as well sit down and watch them on TV for another club. Now I’m at an age where I have to play some football. That’s why I think Napoli is a good change. It’s one of the best clubs in the world and they said I will play and have many chances ” he explained in an interview.

the next commitments

At this start, the ballot essentially never took place for the late purchase of Lindstrom but the very busy calendar for the whole of next month forces us to evaluate some rotations. Garcia will probably take advantage of an easier calendar than her rivals to experiment with less hesitation, so as to begin to understand the reliability of all the elements of the squad, especially with regards to the new arrivals. Politano already has it and wants it to be recognised, especially if in the next few months, as it seems, his possible contract renewal, which currently expires in 2025 with an option in favor of the club, will be discussed with the club.
