Naples – Osimhen, De Laurentiis under investigation for false accounting

Aurelio De Laurentiis was enrolled in the register of suspects with the hypothesis of false accounting for the purchase of Victor Osimhen, made by Napoli in the summer of 2020. On the story of the passage of the Nigerian from Lille to the blue club, they turned on by time the headlights of the federal prosecutor (although recently the sports justice has acquitted Napoli and its president) but now it was the Guardia di Finanza to seize the papers relating to the sale of the player (Karnezis and the young people also entered the deal Manzi, Palmieri and Liguori – whose evaluations have been investigated by the federal prosecutor). Now, however, the accusation against De Laurentiis and the members of the board of the blue club is of false accounting with the Guardia di Finanza which carried out a series of searches in Castel Volturno, Rome and in France.
