Naples, Anguissa out until January

Elongation of the semitendinosus muscle of the right thigh: the Cameroonian midfielder has already started recovery therapies. Spalletti could now bet on Ndombele

As feared, we will see Frank Zambo Anguissa again in the blue jersey only in January. The tests carried out this morning to the strong Cameroonian midfielder have “highlighted an elongation of the semitendinosus muscle of the right thigh”. The player has already started therapy, but now his first goal is to recover in time for the World Cup in Qatar. It will take at least three weeks to be able to train well again. Coach Rigobert Song considers him a pillar of the national team and will wait for him.


Frank was one of Spalletti’s irreplaceable few who will have to find new balance for a midfield that worked wonderfully with the Cameroonian, Lobotka and Zielinski. There are still 8 games (6 in the league and 2 in the Champions League) to continue the blues’ run without blemish in A and Europe. The most probable solution at the moment is that of the insertion of Ndombele in the middle, as happened on Wednesday against Ajax. Then there is also Elmas and the young Gaetano, without forgetting that – especially in the hypothesis of a 4-2-3-1 the German midfielder Demme is returning to the best of his condition.
