Nanna and Jere Karalahti’s third child was born

Nanna and Jere Karalahti’s little one has arrived in the world.

In the photo, Nanna and Jere Karalahti in August 2022. ATTE KAJOVA

Welfare influencer Nanna Karalahten, 34, and ex-hockey player Jere Karalahten, 47, have a third child together. The baby arrived in the world on Monday evening.

Nanna tells about the good news on Instagram with a sweet picture.

– Thank you for life. Late last night I experienced one of the biggest things of my life! Everything is better than fine here. Thank you life! Nanna writes.

Nanna revealed that the baby is a girl already in August at the launch event of her own clothing line.

Karalahti is already 6 years old Jax-son and 4 years old Alexia-daughter. Jere is also 22 years old Ronja-daughter and 8-year-old Stella-daughter.

Karalahti got married in 2015.

Nanna Karalahti previously revealed the gender of her child.
