Nanna and Jere Karalahti: Baby is coming!

Nanna Karalahti revealed that she is pregnant on Instagram.

The family of Nanna and Jere Karalahti is supplemented by a third child together. Inka Soveri

Nanna and Jere Karalahti the family grows up with a third common child. Nanna published the good news in the form of an Instagram release.

– You must have noticed that I am quite precise about my private life these days and of course I want to protect myself and my family in that way. I first wonder if there are certain things to say, but because in the shadow of publicity some things come to light whether we wanted to or not, that is why I now want to get to say this wonderful message of great joy in my own words, Nanna writes in her recent update.

At the same time, Nanna published two or three pictures of her family. In the pictures, Nanna and Jere pose together born in May 2016 Jaxin and born in July 2018 Alexian with.

– You’re already loved and safe. Your big brother, big sister, dad, mom and loved ones will make sure you will be that for the rest of your life. Thank you for coming to our family – the greatest gift of all.
