Nancy Pelosi lands in Taiwan, fueling tensions between US and China | NOW

Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, has just landed in the Taiwanese capital Taipei. With that, she has started her highly controversial visit, which has fueled tensions between the United States and China.

China strongly disapproves of Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. Beijing regards the island off the Chinese coast as a renegade region. The country is trying to suppress any form of support for the independent government in Taipei.

Pelosi’s visit is therefore interpreted in Beijing as a provocation and an act of hostility. In the run-up to the visit, the Chinese regime even threatened military deployment. It is questionable whether it will really come to that, but there is a chance that China will show its disapproval through military display of power.

Beijing denounced the visit shortly after Pelosi’s landing in a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. China says the visit “seriously affects peace and stability in the region”.

The Chinese Ministry of Defense has also made itself heard. The army has been put on alert. The ministry also announced military actions in the waters around Taiwan, news agency reported Reuters.

Earlier reports by Chinese state media that Chinese Su-35 fighter jets would fly over the Taiwan Strait have been debunked by the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense. The ministry says it is closely monitoring Chinese military activities in the region.

Pelosi: Visit is not against US policy

Pelosi is in Taiwan to show her support for the island. Fears that China will invade the country have only grown as Russia has done the same in Ukraine. Moreover, Beijing refuses to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In a statement, Pelosi wrote that talks with the Taiwanese government are intended to “reaffirm support for our partner and advance our shared interests, including a free Indo-Pacific region.”

“American solidarity with the 23 million Taiwanese is more important than ever before, at a time when the world has to choose between autocracy and democracy,” writes the American politician.

She also emphasizes that her visit does not go against American policy. “Our visit is one of many Congressional delegations visiting Taiwan and is in no way against US policy,” she wrote.

It is the first time in 25 years that such a high-ranking American politician has visited the island. Pelosi is the second most powerful politician in the United States after President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Biden previously advised his Democratic party colleague not to visit Taiwan, given the diplomatic sensitivity.

Visit puts US in split

Taiwan is rightfully regarded as one of the most dangerous potential fires in the world. Both the governments of China and the US are not looking forward to an unforeseen event that would bring the two countries directly into conflict.

Pelosi’s intended visit therefore placed the US in a difficult dilemma. On the one hand, it was a deeply cherished wish of the Taiwanese leaders. The visit of such a high-ranking American politician gives the country more legitimacy on the world stage.

In addition, canceling the visit would have offended the American ally. Moreover, that would have sent the message that the US bows to China and does not consider Taiwan important enough to take risks. Beijing could have drawn conclusions about the possible US response after a Chinese invasion of the island.

On the other hand, Pelosi’s visit carries clear risks. For example, it was feared beforehand that the Chinese would choose to have its plane accompanied by Chinese fighter jets. If they were to enter Taiwanese airspace, an accident would have happened – whether Beijing wanted it or not.
