Nance gets a kick from René van der Gijp: ‘Sing no more!’

Nance gets criticized after the storm social media another kick after René van der Gijp. In his ratings hit Today Inside, he lashed out at the presenter. “Sing no more!”


We hardly see her on television anymore, but she popped up again on Friday evening: Nance Coolen. The presenter was allowed to sing one of her former dance hits in Eva Jinek’s talk show. Very nice, but the performance did not go well according to viewers. She’s been pretty slammed on social media.

Unlucky Buttons

To make matters worse, René van der Gijp also gets over that. He says in the Inside today of last night that while watching he especially sympathized with lawyer Geert-Jan Knoops, who was extremely uncomfortable during Nance’s performance. “Then I think: that is not for that man. It makes no sense.”

After their chat, table guests are sometimes put back into the audience and so is Geert-Jan. “He sits there as if he wanted to say: what am I doing here? Then you better say to such a man: dude, hey, come on, grab the car, go home, open a good bottle of wine.”

‘You are scenery’

Johan Derksen feels the discomfort of Geert-Jan, who was unable to pose during the dance performance. “If you sit there like that man, you are actually a decor. You just don’t stand for l*l if you start headbanging along with that crappy music.”

Colleague Wilfred Genee: “Yes, Nance was going to sing a song there.”

René laughs: “Then he is listening to that Nance, who started singing. She could have done better not, but you always find out after that. haha.”

Wilfred: “Just too late!”

Bad voice

René doesn’t like Nance’s voice. “Yes, hahaha. Someone like that says ‘yes’, and afterwards you think: poehhh, that voice hasn’t gotten any better!”

Johan: “René, those are the singers who always had to mimic those popiejopie programs. If it is repeated eighty times in the studio it still sounds, but now they have to sing something live and then it makes no sense. You have a little self-knowledge, don’t you? You know in the shower at home that it doesn’t look like anything, right?”

René: “No, that’s right.”


It is mainly Geert-Jan that René sympathizes with. “He sat there like he was at a cremation, you know. haha. He had never experienced this!”

The cheating Nance has also been touched on in RTL Boulevard. There, presenter Luuk Ikink subtly remarks: “It was not to everyone’s taste.”

Bridget Maasland then states that a bad performance sometimes just happens: “Yes, it can happen. Or you just don’t.”
