Nadia Moussaid as stand-in Jinek? “No, she doesn’t have enough knowledge!”

Nadia Moussaid is in the race to become Jinek’s substitute on Friday, but is that a good idea? No, just cancel it immediately, says TV expert Rob Goossens. “No knowledge!”


It is a move that no one expected from the holiday diva: returning to the NPO to work twice as much and earn five times as little. Eva Jinek is full of surprises. For the time being, she is still on holiday: after the summer she will start her new talk show on the former DWDD slot. She then works from Monday to Thursday.

Logical choice?

Who goes on Friday evening? That is still unclear, but there are different names going around. The AD now reports that Nadia Moussaid is in the running for her own show at this broadcasting location and that is quite a surprise, because she mainly excels in scoring pitiful viewing figures. She already had a show at this location, and it was a huge flop.

Daan Nieber therefore asks a rhetorical question to the desk of RTL Boulevard: “Is this a logical and good choice?”


No, just call that woman off again, responds TV expert Rob Goossens. “It’s not a logical choice at all, because of course she has her own program and it was such a flop that at one point they put it away on Sunday evening. She has previously replaced Eva Jinek during her maternity leave.”

Nadia’s intervention was late in the evening. “That was successful, she stole my heart there too, but afterwards I heard that the editors were not very impressed with her general knowledge. With that knowledge, putting her there now would be a very risky move.”
