Nadal and Djokovic have breakfast, lunch and dinner young

Let them wait a little. They are very good. They will be very good. They will learn. They will gain experience. They will gain seniority. But let them wait a bit and, above all, those who already want them to be the new gods of tennis heaven should, at the very least, have more respect for those two monsters called Rafael Nadal Y Novak Djokovicprotagonists, authors, heroes in two impressive comebacks, historical, in Wimbledon.

Let them wait a little longer. Carlitos Alcaraz It’s great, a phenomenon, wow! Nadal is the first to recognize it and Djokovic’s son has already made him, Novak says, his favorite tennis player; that Italian boy named Jannik Sinnerwho was supposed to be a skier and eventually became a racket master, also looks very good and, yes, this American boy, Taylor Fritzwith pint (only with pint) of Peter Samprashas the networks flooded with his present and future, but he will have to get in line.

The grandparents (and not only in tennis, no, the Champions League was won by Benzema and not Mbappé, wow) are still the rapper. More respect to and for them. What they are doing, what they have done, how they have done it, Nadal and Djokovic at Wimbledon, deserves that those who announce their decline, those who believe that the so-called ‘new generation’ is already here to snatch the throne from them, spend in looped, for hours, the comebacks of Novak and Rafa against those children.

Beyond 30

We will have time to sing the glories of these youngsters but, for now, their grandparents are having them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, not only based on courage, passion, determination and a winning mentality, but with tennis, with a lot of tennis, with enormous wisdom, knowing that, in a Grand Slam, which is not a Masters-1,000, please, five sets, in more than four hours, you have to be very Djokovic or very Nadal to beat them and, for now, those boys don’t they are no matter how many media speakers they have and more technicians (of theirs) who say they are ready to finish off the grandparents.

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We have been watching prodigious matches for two days, starring two tennis players, aged 35 and 36, who between the two of them have played 42 major tournaments. Idols, monsters, who live in the firmament than those young projects of gods who do not even have, yet, within reach of their fingertips. Of course, the same ones who extolled (before the hour) the youngsters and predicted the birth of a new era, sensed that neither Djokovic nor Nadal, who is still injured and we will see what his life will be as a father and grandfather, would reach the Wimbledon semifinals . And there they are, both of them, playing, not only their best tennis, but showing that, for now (and let them wait another little while, more) they are unattainable for that ‘new generation’.

Nadal and Djokovic have breakfast, lunch and dinner young to strengthen, not only their ambition and passion to feel like the best tennis players in history (now yes), but to feel alive, very alive.
