NAC goes against Jong Ajax, but victory for Jong PSV

A series of three victories in a row has come to an end for NAC Breda in a disconcerting way. On their own field, the yellow-blacks lost on Monday evening with … 2-6 against Jong Ajax, which was just playing a very bad series of matches. Jong PSV did win, 0-1 at Jong FC Utrecht. FC Eindhoven – ADO Den Haag ended in 1-1.

The matches were valid for the fourth period of the competition in the Kitchen Champion Division.

NAC Breda – Young Ajax 2-6
Already after 21 minutes the Amsterdam reserves led 0-3 through goals from Donny Warmerdam, Amourricho van Axel Dongen and Youri Baas. Even before the break, it was a breeze for Lorenzo Luca to make it 0-4. NAC coach Peter Hyballa had already applied a first substitution. It didn’t seem to work, because in the 51st minute Francisco Conceicao had a free game and that meant 0 – 5. In November 2017 Ajax’s first team won 0-8 in the Rat Verlegh Stadium. The home club was spared such a punishment. In fact, she even managed to narrow the backlog. This was partly due to a phenomenal goal by Elias Már Omarsson (60.). Jort van der Sande was allowed to make NAC’s second goal after fumbling in the Amsterdam defense. The home crowd hoped for more, but it was Youri Vergeer who set the final score at 2-6.

Jong FC Utrecht – Jong PSV 0-1
Jong PSV was the better team in the first half, but they were unable to distance themselves. After the break, the two ‘Jong’ teams were more evenly matched. Initially there was no scoring. That was also Jason van Duiven’s fault. Young PSV’s talented striker missed the greatest opportunity of the match to score from 11 meters in the 52nd minute. In the final phase, teammate Mathijs Tielemans did better. He did use a penalty kick and that finally gave the Eindhoven promises three points.

FC Eindhoven – ADO The Hague 1-1
It was not good what FC Eindhoven and ADO Den Haag showed in the Jan Louwers Stadium. The guests came quickly, but most of all happily in the lead. A bet by Ricardo Khisna was deflected by Jasper Dahlhaus. In the second half, the home club, which is so eager to participate in the playoffs for promotion to the Eredivisie, received wages for work. Naoufal Bannis hit the mark in the 76th minute. This was what the spectators had to do. The game could only start at a quarter past eight, because the bus trip of the delegation from The Hague took longer than planned.
