NAC club icon Hans van den Dungen (61) passed away

Former football player Hans van den Dungen of NAC Breda has passed away at the age of 61. The club describes Van den Dungen not only as a club icon, but also as ‘a right back with flair and guts’. He played 361 official matches for NAC, in which he scored three times.

Van den Dungen played from the C-youth in the training of the club from Breda. He played ten seasons for NAC from 1983. “A club legend has passed away. We will miss your wonderful stories, your humour, your passion and above all your personality, let NAC know.

After his playing career, Van den Dungen remained active at NAC in various commercial roles, from account manager to commercial manager. In recent years he was NAC ambassador, the face of NAC to the outside.

NAC has created a memorial corner in the main building of the Rat Verlegh Stadium. The door will be open on Saturday afternoon between 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM and on Sunday between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM. Mondays and Tuesdays are available all day.
