Naardense football club wants the bottom stone up after a big brawl, team summoned

The Naarden football club NVC wants the bottom stone of the brawl yesterday afternoon between the players of the club and the Blaricum opponent BVV’31. All players of the conscious team must appear before the board tomorrow to tell what happened. At least two opponents were injured in the brawl.

Violence erupted after the game between the teams ended yesterday. According to the police, who call the fight ‘an explosion of violence’, a member of BVV’31 was attacked in the dugout by six to seven people. harassed and mistreated. A 29-year-old player from the Naarden club was taken by the police for questioning.

NVC chairman Frans Bartelet calls the violence ‘unacceptable’ and wants to find out how it could go so wrong: “We will talk to the team tomorrow. We want to investigate exactly what happened and hear all sides of the story,” he says. .

Irritations already during the game

It is not yet clear to him what the cause of the brawl was: “I have heard different stories about that. There seem to have been irritations during the match, we have to investigate that.”

Bartelet therefore thinks it is still too soon to draw conclusions or to take measures against the players involved in the fight: “It is very easy to judge quickly. But there are still many open ends that we want to investigate first. Outside There is no doubt that violence has no place with us. Moreover, the good name of the association is damaged by incidents such as this,” said Bartelet.

After the facts are known, the board takes a position, the club writes to them website.
