Naakthond Scooter verkozen dead lelijkste hond ter wereld | Instagram HLN

Baasje Linda Elmquist from Tucson (Arizona) wins prize money of 1,500 dollars (1,380 euros) in a vlucht near New York om daar haar Kampioen voor te places in the ochtendshow van zender NBC.

Scooter will be brought as a puppy with wrong rear pots by a fokker to a dierenasiel om het dier te laten inslapen, but will be adopted accordingly. The hand loops on verschrokken op twee poten en sleept zijn achterlijf achter zich aan. Also with the help of a trolley, the scooter can move forward. “Daarmee kan hij sooner en afstanden lopen”, Aldus Elmquist.

The World’s Ugliest Dog Contest has been held for more than 30 years and it is clear that the stamboom is not covered for the house. These were reported as even four of the onvolmaaktheden, which all hands are made specifically and uniquely.
