Na de grote rode laarzen: that is the smallest hand key ter wereld | Het links to the web

The makers of the ‘Big Red Boots’ – the biggest cartoons that went viral in the past – raised the smallest hand button that was conceived. This is inspired by a model of Louis Vuitton fashion and is smaller than that. De afmetingen? 657 to 222 to 700 micrometers.

The neon-green handbag is not practical, but everything is unique. The design is a response to a trend that is always popular: hand cups have become smaller. Daardoor lacks ze hun functionality, zegt MSCHF, het Amerikaanse creatieve collectief de tas considered. “Een tas has become a peculiar een sieraad”, het clicks. “Ze been dysfunctioneel, een longemak voor de drager.”

MSCHF wants to keep the trend door trekking for all functionalities of its path, so that it will not be otherwise overbroadened by the notice. “Het is the last word in miniaturisatie van tassen”, says MSCHF in a declaration.

This is inspired by the OnTheGo model of the luxury Louis Vuitton. © MSCHF

Geen toemming of Louis Vuitton

Het collectief heeft de tas designed zone of toestemming van het Franse luxemerk Louis Vuitton. “Wijn zijn een grote vorstander van de ‘vraag vergiffenis, geen toestemming’-regel”, het. The Zanger Pharrel Williams, creative directeur at Louis Vuitton, is therefore a MSCHF fan of “big hoeden”. “Daarom we have a large number of small tasks for him made.”

The word from 20 to 24 June tentoon was displayed in an art gallery in Parijs. Nadien zal het op een veiling been sold. The starting price is not known, but it is intended to be requested from any other design by the MSCHF, from the point of view of the number of employees.
