N386 will be closed alternately for work in the coming time

The provincial road N386 will be taken care of from next Monday. It concerns the part between Zuidlaren and Tynaarlo. As a result, the road will be partially closed for a while and there will be detours. The work is carried out in several steps, each with different consequences.

First up is the cycle path between Zuidlaren and De Groeve. It will be closed from September 12 to 21.

A little later it is the turn of the road. In the weekend from Friday 16 to Sunday 19 September, the road between Zuidlaren and the roundabouts under the N34 will be closed. Traffic from Zuidlaren to Tynaarlo will be diverted via Annen and De Punt.

Work on the road between the N34 and the Assen-Groningen railway will also start on Friday 16 September. This job will take longer than just the weekend, until Friday 23 September. The same detour applies to Tynaarlo, via De Punt.

The work is not yet finished, because from Monday 26 to Friday 30 September work will be done on the road near Vries. Then the work shifts in the direction of Vries. To this end, part of the N386 will be closed from 3 to 7 October. For this job, the diversion route goes via the A28 and De Punt.

Finally, the roundabout in the N386 near Bunne will also be tackled. A detour will be set up for this, which also resembles a large roundabout on the map: via Donderen, Norg, Roden and Peize. The work on the roundabout is scheduled to last one weekend: from Friday evening September 30 to Sunday October 1.
