N-VA: “De Croo government is a threat to our social model” | Economy

The federal government announced today that the budget deficit due to the corona crisis and the war in Ukraine will rise to 20.7 billion euros. That is 4.3 billion euros more than when the budget was drawn up.

“It goes without saying that there are additional expenditures in times of crisis and war. But the fact that the government does not take any measures at the same time to strengthen the foundations under our social security is inexcusable,” says N-VA MP Sander Loones.

According to him, the new budget figures are yet another proof that “the PS is pulling the strings and putting the party interest above the general interest”. “Ministers Dermagne (Federal Minister of Economy and Work, PS, ed.) and Lalieux (Federal Minister of Pensions and Poverty Reduction, PS, ed.) refuse to upgrade the mini-labour deal into a much-needed turbo labor pact, hounded when they are the PTB. And Prime Minister De Croo is powerless to move them into action. The budget deficit explodes. Vivaldi piles up the bills, but does not come up with any extra labor market measure to support that expenditure.”
