Mystery Queen Camilla Läckberg: Rematch in Las Vegas!

Swedish writer Camilla Läckberg praises the support she received from her husband. The couple is planning to renew the wedding lights in Las Vegas.

Author Camilla Läckberg thanks her husband Simon Sköld for their support during busy times. Ida Åkesson, AOP

Swedish detective Camilla Läckberg47, is living in a busy phase in the whirlpool of two new books on deadline and home renovation.

She praises her husband Simon Sköld34, overwhelmingly with support in an Expressen interview.

– He deserves a gold medal and everything, the author praises.

– I’m really busy these days.

Last week was Läckberg’s latest book launch in Stockholm. The book is by Läckberg and his colleagues Henrik Fexeus cooperation.

In a couple of weeks, Läckberg has the deadline for the latest book in the Fjällbacka detective series.

Läckberg has been open in the past about how pressure and stress negatively affect him. The last few months have been no exception.

– It’s tough, and that’s been the case for 20 years. There is nothing unique about the current situation, he says.

– I have learned that my creative process is going to cause me to panic in the last weeks before the deadline, he continues.

He thinks it is typical of creative people that creativity goes hand in hand with anxiety periodically.

The support of family, friends, and especially her husband has been important in the author’s endurance, and she emphasizes her great gratitude.

Repair rushes

Läckberg and her husband have recently moved into a villa in Enskede. The couple is currently renovating the house.

Läckberg does not deny that the timing of the renovation at the same time as the busy finishing of the two books was not optimal.

He says he sat at the computer on his knees and tried to write while the renovators walk back and forth and a call is made from the child’s school that the child needs to come home earlier.

– Sometimes it can be a little jealous To Strindbergwho locked himself in his room for three years and the children or wife were not allowed to knock on the door, Läckberg laughs, referring to the Swedish classic writer.

– I didn’t choose one, but at times it would have been pretty great, he says and laughs.

On the 5th anniversary of your wedding in Las Vegas

Läckberg and Sköld are celebrating their five-year wedding anniversary this summer.

The couple plans to celebrate the anniversary with a drive-in wedding in Las Vegas.

The trip will take place in the autumn due to the couple’s hustle and bustle.

– It will be our first anniversary. Then we look at what we came up with for the 10th anniversary, Läckberg says.

The couple has agreed to celebrate anniversaries every five years.

– Maybe one year a big party, maybe we’ll travel to the beach for two, Läckberg ponders.

The first anniversary is in Las Vegas anyway, its couple already decided when they got married.

– It is extremely important to choose each other again and remind yourself why we have married each other, Läckberg says about keeping the marriage alive.

He notes that it is easily forgotten on a daily basis.

The couple have one child together, six years old Polly. Läckberg also has three other children from his previous relationship.

Camilla Läckberg has posted on Instagram pictures in which she is posing with her husband.

Source: Express
